
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can Emma Stone Rule in Romance the Same Way She Is Ruling in Hollywood?

Emma Stone, 22, has taken Hollywood by storm over the past year! She's a great actress who is doing fantastic. I even love her earlier work in The House Bunny where she plays a sorority misfit who turns into a glamour girl.

But, is she ruling in romance the same way she's ruling Hollywood? She's on my radar because several celebrity reports say that she's dating her co-star in The Amazing Spiderman, Andrew Garfield, 27. Emma gushed to Teen Vogue (courtesy Us Weekly) that "he is so giving and has made me a better actress."

According to Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, co-authors of The Rules II, though, it's not a good idea for female celebrities to date their co-stars. They say that it's difficult to discern whether he's dating for publicity in order to help promote the movie versus whether he really has to have her. Better to play it safe and wait until the movie is over to start dating.

Sometimes the woman gets lucky and the relationship lasts beyond the premier, but those are exceptions to the rule. Dating your co-star is the equivalent of having an office romance. Ellen and Sherrie say that maybe the man is simply bored at work and passing time chatting it up with the pretty girl in the office.

Even curiouser, Mail Online reported that Andrew ended his last relationship because of time commitments. Maybe it wasn't time commitments that made him end it and he just wasn't into her. If it's true, though, how perfectly convenient that Emma co-starred with him. He didn't have to work too hard to see her. I'll bet Emma's accessibility meant that Andrew wasn't consistently planning traditional dates.

None of the reports I read said that he pursued her. To his credit, in the Mail Online article, he did say that he's "the luckiest man alive" to have the chance to date her. That didn't impress me a whole lot because actions speak louder than words. For Emma's sake, I'd like to see some reports about Andrew's romantic overtures. So far, though, I predict this one won't last.


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